Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blogpost 7: Pain Caused By Idols

All of us, even if we don't say it out loud have a problem with our bodies. We are never content even if others already compliment us or want our bodies. This doesn't just happen with females mind you; it also happens to males. It is normal for us to never be content because we strive for perfection. Perfection because it is insatiable and impossible. For women, every day becomes a struggle. We tend to see every imperfection we have once we wake up and see ourselves in the mirror. "I can see my pores" , "I got a pimple", "my thighs are too big", "my stomach looks bloated" and many others. We are more self conscious about our image than we would admit and it is because of the media and the celebrities we idolize. We start to dislike our image because we see them as "perfect" beings. 
In an article by Shaun Dreisbach, Shocking Body-Image News: 97% of Women Will Be Cruel to Their Bodies Today, he states that on average, women think of about 13 negative things to say about their body. And the reason is, Kearney Cooke, a psychologist says that it is because of "Our unattainable cultural beauty ideals, our celebrity worship..." If we stopped naturally comparing ourselves to others, then we would stop hating on ourselves. We hate because of all the negative thoughts we persuade ourselves with. 
If we stopped complaining and actually did something to help then wouldn't that be better? We could eat healthier, we could exercise or just love ourselves for the way we are. Fact is, we alone are the one ones taking care of our body. So if we don't like the way we are, then we should do something about it. 
In the article People Who Exercise on Work Days are Happier, Suffer Less Stress and Are More Productive, a daily mail reported stated that exercising not only has a good effect on our muscles and body itself; it is also good for performance with daily activities. Exercising results in the production of endorphins which reduces our perception of pain. It makes us more relaxed, more happy and feel much better in general. In the article, it mentioned that people felt more productive at work after exercising and even felt more motivated. So exercising not only makes us look better physically, it also helps us to feel better internally and mentally. 

Yes, we are conscious about our body image and one positive way to fix this is through healthful exercise. It is evident that having self discipline for exercise is difficult, however; we can train ourselves. 
Nobody ever said anything in life will be easy, especially not trying to achieve beauty. Beauty will always be complement pain even if we don't realize it. I mean exercising alone is painful isn't it? We become sore to the point where we can even get up from bed or even walk up the stairs properly because we over did it with our squatting. It is painful but it is a great type of pain. It is also a more positive approach to achieving the "ideal" beauty that we all perceive. However, different people come with different methods. A dangerous, painful and a not suggested method on the other hand to achieve beauty is through anorexia and bulimia. 

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